My Story, about me Lynda Lee nee Marsh, is once again a culmination of my life but on one page. I will be filling in the gaps as I feel inclined, so if you're interested this page will be changing on a regular basis.
In a way I suppose it's going to be my autobiography for and by me whilst on my next Journey, travelling NZ, which as I write this feels quite surreal. So many life changes...
To view short version click here: ABOUT LYNDA LEE
Warmest regards
021 309 216
Whilst farming in Central Hawkes Bay during the eighties, my youngest child started school in 1987 and I was keen to get back to work, so after much research I setup and operated my employment agency 'Central Employment' (initially from my kitchen table, using a small light blue metal filing case, a borrowed tiny portable orange typewriter and a hired office from the Council in Waipukurau once a week!). Being farmed based it made sense that doors opened-up and I ended up focusing on and specialising in rural management and nanny positions throughout New Zealand. After three very intense years and Cyclone Bola I had three rural based branches; Pukekohe, Gore and mine on Pattison Road, Oueroa near Waipukurau CHB.
From a very young age I loved retail, loved making things or buying stock to sell. I always read the newspaper from back to front so I could read the classified columns first, yes looking for a bargain or opportunity. Weird I know!
And this is why in the early 90's I created and opened my first retail store 'Rustic Charm' in the old Power Board building in Empire Street Cambridge, themed inside and out to resemble a wool shed, right down to a full size mural of a farmer, his horse, dog and big fat sheep pounding up the ramp into the front door, full size sheep for a street sign, straw bales for shelving, gates for display and a local girl shearing sheep on our opening day! Everyday was an exciting day. In only five months it was a hit with everyone from young to old alike that I was presented with an offer to sell. After much deliberation and then an offer I couldn't refuse, I did just that, sold. But I must admit, I shed a tear or two the night we did a stock take and handed the business over.
With the profit I headed to Indonesia to source the very old Dutch colonial furniture I'd heard so much about, and WOW, once I found it I was like a child in a candy store. Bought enough to fill a 40' container and then was presented with the task of finding a store large enough back home to sell it from. How lucky was I, Steen & Morrow were moving out of their 2000 square foot store in Commerce Street Cambridge, and I moved in with 'Virtus,' right next door to Gordons Antiques (all now the modern TAB). What a lot of fun Gordon and I had, what with my Australian King Parrot Toby and Gordy's Bulldog Sally, customers flocked to see this amazing furniture that no-one else in New Zealand at the time was selling. I had always loved and collected English antiques, but the Dutch colonial pieces made from solid teak were quite extraordinary and enchantingly rustic.
So if you're looking to further promote your business or products, or want to chat about business startup give me a call, I just might be able to help in some way.

Lynda Lee 2004
I created the Gallery page to share my love of photography and art while on my travels of NZ and also to sell paintings and creations. I'm not sure what path my love of art will take, but I hope you stick around to follow my Journey.
This photo was taken just after I completed my studies at Farnham Art & Design University in the UK 2003 then started at Furniture Village in Guildford Surrey.
My love of photography, architecture, graphic design and objects' of art are God-given lifetime passions and when I was taught how to send emails by a dear friend in 1999 that was the beginning of my life changing forever! I didn't have to create newsletters, business cards, forms, marketing, databases, logos etc. by hand any longer, or develop photos ever again! I taught myself graphic design by copying the front page of a New Idea magazine in Word. Yes. Looking back I could not tell you how many hours that took, but I loved every minute of the challenge.
My 'light bulb' moment came in 2007 when I needed a website to promote my B&B Beech Tree Cottage. I was the first accommodation property in Cambridge to have a website and to be on Wotif! I spent so many hours teaching myself and going to lessons in Auckland, I just couldn't get enough learning to quench my thirst and master my new found passion, and yes I'm still learning as the industry evolves. The freedom and success online marketing, our CMS (content management system) and database system brings to my businesses has been immeasurable. Once people saw my success, web design orders rolled on in. The rest is history.
View my web design website:
So if you're looking for a blog page or website, or want to chat about business startup give me a call, I just might be able to help in some way. And remember, keep an eye out for HEARYE on the road, I might be in a town near you and would love to catch up!

Lynda Lee 2013
In the mid 2000's I was given an amazing opportunity to setup and operate a bed and breakfast in the most gorgeous two-story Lockwood cottage on Hamilton Road in Cambridge. On the front lawn was an enormous beech-tree, hence the name 'Beech Tree Cottage B&B' and what an exciting time and success it was.
I met so many wonderful people from all over the world. I had a 'light bulb' moment, "Lynda you can do this" and immediately set to building my first website. Every time I tweaked the SEO (search engine optimisation) the phone rang with bookings to the extent I could not accommodate them all, so I built my next website, 'Cambridge Accommodation' and helped semi retired friends setup their very own B&B and from there my B&B, my tourism website Book New Zealand Holiday and web design business, Dezignscene took off!
B&B's were:
2007 - 2010 Beech Tree Cottage B&B
2010 - 2011 Cambridge RiverView B&B
2011 - 2014 Pedfield Country House
I was happily running my B&B and creating websites for clients, but God had other plans for me. "I want you to go back and sell real estate." "But why" I said, I love my life and what I'm doing?" and God said, "Because real estate needs Christians." Well how grateful am I, started back in the beginning of 2015 and along came the start of the boom in May 2015! Thank you Lord, the last 7 years have been absolutely amazing.
View my real estate website:
But now, this is my new Journey, helping Kiwis sell their property while on the road, not sure how that will evolve, only time will tell?
To be continued...